MEERA UN-VEILED- A story of women Empowerment and Organic Farming.





We chose to challenge the veil that shrouds all women


On a scorching hot summer day in the interiors of Rajasthan amidst an agglomeration sat a curious mind. Earlier that morning, Meera was washing utensils when Raman the cycle rickshaw puller went around the village broadcasting an announcement. The gram panchayat had appealed to all women to come to the village courtyard for a very special meet. There was a lot of chatter as a dozen women in bright coloured poshaks made their way to the central village courtyard. Meera had taken permission from her elders and was already seated in the courtyard, while she waited, she could hear the gentle bleating of Vayu the goat, a soft breeze was blowing while the courtyard was filling up with men and women alike.


In the centre of the courtyard was an ancient peepal tree, one that had seen many-a-generations over time. Soon the silence was broken and women gasped in excitement! Through her pink veil, Meera strained her eyes as they adjusted to the strong glare of the sun. She saw a woman stride into the opening followed by a couple of men, the woman looked resplendent as she glided past Meera in a gorgeous peach chiffon saree. Her face was not covered and she had applied light makeup, she was smiling and looked as excited as everyone else! She took her place on a low parapet next to the peepal tree and beamed at everyone. After talking about the weather for some time she proceeded to tell us that back home she too had a teenage daughter and that she had come to help the women of our village.


She told everyone present that she owned a large enterprise called Organic Soul which engaged in organic farming and organic cultivation. She further explained her business model, while she spoke, Meera was awed at how she considered all the women sitting there including her as an equal, she kept referring to all women as ‘we’ and that stole everyone’s heart. With rapt attention, the women absorbed each word uttered by the kind woman. She spoke about empowering women through organic food and nature-friendly products, she spoke about employing women in health food stores where organic food such as organic carrots, organic beetroot, organic onions, organic fruits etc was sold. She directly addressed the farmer association head of the village and told him that she was keen on working with our village provided that the women within its vicinity were excused from household work and can be employed in the field as well. She told us that our crops will be sold in large organic supermarkets in the city and that our contribution will be highlighted in every step that her brand would take.


Just like women empowerment programmes and gender empowerment are important topics so is bio food and organic farming methods. The environment is deteriorating and that we must all join hands to do our bit to make it better. In her short speech on women empowerment, Meera and her folks were educated about growing moringa for profit, seventh-generation eco-friendly cleaning products, organic pest control, medicinal herbs and more. She urged the elders to create a healthy environment where every woman could be financially independent. After she left Meera and the whole village sat in silence. They were still processing the information that had come their way. In that collective moment, everyone present felt a veil lift off their heads, they could suddenly feel and think clearly, for once all stood united and decided that they would switch to organic farming and women empowerment.


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